Skinthetix: No More Awkward, Embarrassing and Inconvenient Attempts to Cover Up.
Have you ever resorted to wrapping yourself in plastic wrap, or worse…a trash bag when using a topical skin product?
If you’re like most people, you’ve probably resorted to some unusual, awkward, messy and embarrassing arrangements in order to keep topical product in contact with your skin.
You may even be thinking back and picturing yourself or someone else wrapped up and shifting around uncomfortably, all in hopes of keeping that skin related product in the right place for those hours of usage.
But now I want you to close your eyes….take a deep breath…and resolve never to do that again.
Skinthetix has designed and produced unique garments that you can put on by yourself, as easily as putting on a bathing suit or compression shirt, and you can wear it under your normal clothing!
Imagine being able to go to work or run your errands while Skinthetix and your topical skin related product work their magic…and no one is the wiser! You can look and feel your best even when doing your daily activites.
Not only is Skinthetix discreet, but as comfortable as a perfectly fitted undergarment. Skinthetix barrier clothing keeps your topical products against your skin and away from your everyday clothing, allowing you to go about your routine without constantly adjusting and worrying that your wrap is coming apart.
Don’t even think about your skin related topical products without your Skinthetix barrier garment working for you to reduce your pain and simultaneously allowing you to look your best and go through the day with confidence. You deserve nothing less.